Conscious Money
In Conscious Money: Living, Creating, and Investing with Your Values for A Sustainable New Prosperity (Beyond Words/Atria Books/Simon & Schuster, 2012) bestselling author Patricia Aburdene presents a comprehensive strategy to grow prosperity with integrity and make a difference by integrating personal values and personal finance. “People are disillusioned with Wall Street, big banks, and the entire financial establishment,” says Patricia. “While ‘finance as usual’ bears plenty of blame, many of us have also given away too much power to the finance establishment. In the bargain, we’ve misplaced our values and our best financial instincts.” To reclaim our power and make better choices, we must ground our money decisions in positive values, inner wisdom, and sound financial principles.

Conscious Money
“Conscious Money begins with you. Not your wallet, savings, home, possessions, or stock portfolio, but with you,” writes Patricia in Conscious Money. “It starts with your values and your state of consciousness about money.” Your income, cash, savings, expenses, investments, and contributions become Conscious Money, she says, when you imbue them with your values and higher consciousness.
Conscious Money is a simple three-part strategy: 1) Know your self and your values. 2) Learn to recognize and do businesses with companies that embrace the same values you do. 3) Translate this wisdom and knowledge into action steps as you shop, earn, invest, or contribute your Conscious Money.
Every chapter of Conscious Money features exercises, checklists, practical steps, and inspiration to help you create a personalized financial plan that aligns your values and your financial goals.