November Reflections

In November, the daylight fades. Falling leaves disintegrate; the darkness calls. Summer’s pleasures are gone-but the renewal of spring is months away. We can’t resist the natural cycle. So instead, the earth’s energies invite us to surrender. It’s time to let go, time to begin making peace with the year, its blessings and achievements as well as its trials and disappointments.

What is November encouraging you to surrender? Perhaps it is a hope you nourished through 2013, one that sadly, has not come to be. Or did you intend to embrace a positive new habit: to take a daily walk, do a 20-minute meditation, or play a musical instrument? Now here you are: the year’s coming to an end, and your new initiative never really got started.

Or maybe this was your year to shine? Everything seemed to go your way. You enjoyed exciting new levels of health, wealth, or happiness. Do you hope next year will bring even more? Or you are guided to surrender even the year’s joys and successes along with its sorrows?

Just as we collect the dry leaves, withered summer flowers, and the remnants of a good autumn harvest to cultivate a fertile mix for future growth, the dreams and sorrows that we willingly choose to surrender in November will enrich and nourish our vision for the New Year.

November ushers in the final phase of the Celtic calendar. Now and into December, we address the business of surrender and acceptance in order to fully welcome the fresh new cycle that begins at Winter Solstice and then joyous holidays-Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa-that lead to New Year’s. It’s time to be still and prepare for renewal.


Conscious Capitalism and Conscious Money

My article on Conscious Money in the November/December online issue of
Green Money Journal speaks to investors and financial professionals. It’s the sort of story you could share with a stockbroker or financial planner to show them how YOU think and feel about your money, that is, you want your money choices to reflect higher consciousness and human values! Read now on

Last month I shared my AMA (as in Management, not Medical) story on Conscious Capitalism. But what if you’re an individual? Can Conscious Capitalism work for you? The answer, as I argue in Conscious Money, is, “Yes!” Provided you know how identify a conscious company. Think of a firm where you might want to work, shop, or invest. Does it:

  • Embrace and personify a purpose beyond money making?
  • Practice transcendent human values?
  • Treat its people fairly and well?
  • Honor the environment as a crucial stakeholder?
  • Satisfy and delight customers?
  • Give back to the communities in which it operates?
  • Generate sustainable shareholder value?

If the company lives up to these standards, it is probably a Conscious Capitalist.

November Happenings

Early this month, I head to Cleveland, Ohio’s River’s Edge Retreat Center for a public event November 8th for Cleveland’s business and general communities. I’ve so looked forward to meeting Sister Rita and my friends at Candlewood Partners! In the morning, I speak on Conscious Capitalism. The afternoon is dedicated to Conscious Money. For more details, check out: Come join us!

After this exciting gathering, I’ll take the advice I offered earlier and start winding down. My friend Carolyn Long comes to visit and Thanksgiving follows soon. Then there’ll be travel homeward, friends’ birthdays, lights on the tree, and the holiday music I’ve come to love.

Enjoy the quiet before the festivities begin! Sending love your way,

— Patricia
