Conscious Money: Three Simple Concepts

conscious-money-coverThe energy is really building for the launch of Conscious Money: Living, Creating, and Investing with Your Values for a Sustainable New Prosperity on September 25th. The industry bible Publisher’s Weekly noted the book’s “wealth of strategies,” calling it, “an engaging and practical read on the leading edge of sustainable wealth consciousness.”

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The principles of Conscious Money are simple: 1) Start within: know yourself and your values; 2) Learn to identify good financial partners: pick companies whose values match yours; and 3) Apply this knowledge and wisdom as you earn, spend, invest, and contribute your Conscious Money.

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Join me for a conversation and book signing September 27 in New York City with The Intuitive Investor author Jason Apollo Voss sponsored by The Academi of Life!

New York City Launch Event! >>


Conscious Money supports you to grow a sustainable foundation for conscious wealth, change the world by living your values, and discover the peace and fulfillment of a positive money life.

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