February Reflections

flatirons winter sunrise

Hi Everyone,

After many quiet months (more on that soon), I’m back and happily sharing these musings on Seasonal Wisdom, Conscious Money, and Conscious Capitalism.


Candlemas and Chinese New Year

chinese new yearHappy New Year! Am I a bit late? Not really. The February holidays of Candlemas and Chinese New Year are actually an ideal time to tap into the energies of the year ahead. How come? Back at Winter Solstice, the spiritual seed of your New Year’s vision silently sprouted deep within you. But in the cold darkness of January that seed vision-like a real seed in the ground-had to struggle against the frozen earth to seek light and nourishment. Similarly, we must release limiting patterns from the past in order to break through and evolve into the new person we deeply desire to become in 2016.

The good news is that by February, the long dark days of December and January are over. Temperatures inch up; the sun sets later and later.And Daylight Savings, just weeks away, adds another hour of light. It’s a perfect time to focus on your vision for 2016.

groundhogWhat do you really want to experience this year?

What sort of adventure, achievement, or inner shift would fulfill your deepest longing?

It is still too early in the year to fully understand your vision, but it’s high time to consciously cultivate it. How? Through intuition and reflection. You can start by asking what it might be. Just for fun, why not entertain several possible visions, write about them in private, or maybe share them with trusted loved ones?

Relax. At this point, your vision shouldn’t be exact or complete. You are just sensing it. Yet by now a sort of “first draft” vision may have pushed itself out into your consciousness. Enjoy it. You’ll have plenty of time to refine or even completely revise it later on.

A new vision usually requires a new perspective and some new skills. As we move toward March and Spring Equinox, you may find yourself intuitively drawn to new activities, workshops, and people whose purpose is to prepare you to move forward, armed with the right tools, abilities, and insights.

Soon after my last newsletter in May 2015, my vision for year began to hijack much of my life. But it was not until late summer that I realized 2015 was to be a “year of investing in my future.” My partner and I invested in a new home (in the spring) and I “invested” in a new knee (in late autumn)! In between I fully enjoyed the most spectacular New England summer in years. Unlike many past years, 2015 was not a year of work or even creativity. It was about home, renewal, and the physical body. It turned out beautifully. I’ll have to see what 2016 brings. But I am certain some creativity lies ahead.


Conscious Money and Conscious Capitalism

I bought my first Fast Company 15 years ago and thrilled to the tales of a new tech-savvy generation that would change the business landscape. But much as I loved the magazine, I never thought technology alone could transform free enterprise.

conscious company magFast Forward. Last year I picked up Conscious Company Magazine (CCM) and immediately sensed a rich, abiding resonance. Here, I thought, is the high touch of human consciousness-exactly what we need to balance all the High Tech that fills our business and personal lives.

With great storytelling and gorgeous graphics, Conscious Company expands the work of my Megatrends 2010: The Rise of Conscious Capitalism and of Conscious Capitalism by John Mackey and Raj Sisodia by spotlighting social entrepreneurs, B Corporations, impact investing, sustainable farming, and clean energy.

Do the kind thingIn-depth profiles of firms like Natura, Brazil’s natural cosmetics leader and US-based conscious snack maker Kind provide practical wisdom and inspiration while informing conscious firms-big and small-that vow to integrate values and purpose into operations like business planning and strategy or during crucial phases like rapid growth, wooing investors, or launching an IPO.

Buy your Conscious Company at Whole Foods, Barnes and Noble or Sprouts. Download the mobile app at Apple’s App store, Amazon, or Google Play.






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