October 2008: Spotlight on German Edition and Events
The energy of Conscious Capitalism is blossoming in Germany, Switzerland and Austria! Here below you’ll hear about the German language edition of my book (out in October), my latest trip to Germany, two great interviews in the German language press and a cool citation in Germany’s leading magazine, Der Spiegel. But first some great news.
I am happy to announce a workshop scheduled February 7 & 8, 2009 in Zurich, Switzerland, sponsored by Parabola Forum and Health and Lifestyle Communications. Click here for a PDF of the full announcement and all the particulars in German. For more
info Hamburg and Der Spiegel Returning from Hamburg, Germany where Alain Bolea and I delivered three talks (and much new material) at Crimson Circle’s Mid-Summer gathering of 450 largely German-speaking spiritual teachers, I learned that Der Spiegel (Germany's Time or Newsweek) quotes me in the September 1, 2008 issue in a story with an interesting title, "The Consumer as Warrior." Exactly right! Consumers are one of the key forces that are transforming capitalism. Here are the cover, the first page of the story and a brief translation.
The timing on Der Spiegel couldn’t be better: the German edition, published by Kaumphausen (which, not to brag ;-) publishes Eckhart Tolle), comes out this October at the famous Frankfurt Book Fair. In German, however, the book is called "Megatrends 2020" (not Megatrends 2010). Check out the handsome cover! MEGATRENDS 2020 Sieben Trends, die unser Leben und Arbeiten verändern werden! Interviews in the German language press At Kamphausen, I am blessed with a wonderful editor, Nadja Rosman, one of the smartest, most thoughtful people in the area of spirit and consciousness in business. Nadja interviewed me for Germany’s Existenzielle, a magazine for women entrepreneurs and for ManagerSeminare, a top publication for H.R. leaders and managers. The links to each follow. So, you don’t speak German? Enjoy the graphics! You’ll find a translation of the title and introductions to each story below.
Headline: We are on the way to a new business world The American trendresearcher Patricia Aburdene is convinced that spiritual values are getting more and more important in economy and that companies can profit from this shift. Read More >>
Headline: Value-driven leadership improves performance And More!
See you in Europe next February. Thank you! Patricia |